Tuesday, June 11, 2013


I give thanks for all of life’s blessings.

A wise person once said that gratitude is the memory of the heart. My memories enrich my life as the days and years go by. I recall treasured memories that continue to enrich my soul.

I choose to review my memory bank with gratitude. Recalling the kindness of others brings a smile to my face and lifts my spirits. I appreciate the people who have shared this life with me. My memories of good times and good people reveal the light of Spirit that shines unceasingly on us all.

As I look back with gratitude for the loved ones and opportunities that have brought me great joy and fulfillment, I also enjoy the fullness of this present moment. Right now, I am making memories for the years to come.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.—Matthew 6:21

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Uncle Gene

U- unconditional love
N- never saying "no"
C- charming
L- lasting laughter
E- encouraging
G- generous
E- ego friendly
N- negotiator
E- earnest
I'm praying that God gives you comfort that you need. I know you probably would say, "It's alright, I'm fine." As I type this tears are rolling from my eyes. You can believe with these tears I will still pray prayers to God for you Uncle Gene. 
I love you!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Show Love

We all know that God is Love.....

Show love even when you know that person your trusted lied to you.

Show love when people talk negatively.

Show love when others judge you.

Show love when your house is not a home.

Show love when your children do something you never expected.

Show love when family disagrees with you.

Show love when you are not received by others.

Show love when you are going through  and  on one has a clue.

Show love when you may not want to.

Show love when you pray.

A Woman's Worth